It is so easy to get into MMA fights these days that people can enter the cage with little to no MMA training. A lot of people that fight really have no intention of pursuing an MMA career of any kind but they simply want to be able to tell people that they are MMA fighters. You can tell the difference between these kind of students and the students who truly want to be champions by the way they respond to your teaching, guidance and training. It is the job of your instructor to provide the proper teaching, guidance and training for you. It makes sense to listen. It has been said that if you train hard, you fight easy. This means that when you are training for a fight your training should be the worst part. If you go through hell when you are training, if you can last through the grueling workouts and survive the punishing training drills for at least 2 months, then you can survive 3-3 min rounds or 3-5 min rounds in the cage no problem.
My training philosophy for new students who are interested in becoming fighters is that first you learn to fight and then you train to fight. We have 2 different MMA class levels at the Clinch Academy. The first class is the learning phase which teaches you the moves that you need to know to be a successful MMA Fighter and Guide you on how to practice properly. The second level is the training phase where where you actually begin training for fights and recieving guidence on how to prepare for a fight. If a student starts from scratch I am looking for that student to spend about 150 hours in the learning phase before moving up to the training phase. The structure and pace of the two classes is completely different.
It is important that students understand this format. You say you want to be a fighter than show me. Dedicate yourself to learning and once you have successfully completed the learning stage devote yourself to training. Show me that you have what it takes to be a fighter. Show me that you are willing to put in the time and work that it takes to succeed. To those who actually put in the work this isn't a long process. Good attendance goes along way. Work ethic goes along way. Be the first to arrive, the last to leave and put every minute you are there to work. I am not trying to hold anyone back. I want you out there competing if that's what you want. Represent baby! Just do it the right way.
The bottom line is, your character, your determination, your skill and dedication are all visible with your training partners. Plenty of people say they want to be MMA fighters but it's not true until your character, determination, skill and dedication all agree. No matter what anyone says, the people at the gym know who the true fighters are. If you want to be a fighter, I support you. In fact, I salute you. Let's go baby! But remember it's not train easy, fight hard --- it's train hard, fight easy!
If you are a fellow believer this is also an important message for you. Do you say you are a believer? What does your life reflect? Are you learning the knowledge and training in the wisdom of God's Word? Is Jesus Christ your savior and homeboy or is He your LORD and Savior? The believers around you know. God's Spirit confirms the faith of another through their new desire to know, love and serve the Lord and His Church. Just as the fighter has to train hard so the Christian has to fight the good fight of faith. The Christian has to "work out" his salvation and put it to the test. A fighter should let their instructors do their work in them, follow his guidance and devote themselves to training. A Christian must let the Lord do His good work in them, study His Word and devote themselves to repentance and the practice of righteous living. It is easy to tell who the real believers are by how they recieve the Lord's teaching, guidance and training.
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