Is it important to train with a team? Now a days it has become more and more available to train at home if you choose to do so. Why should you pay the money to join an Academy when you can round up a few buddies and train in the garage from You Tube? First off I am certainly not against using You tube as a training tool. I am also not against training at home. In fact, you should train at home and use You Tube as a tool to help. Is it a replacement for joining an Academy? Absolutely not.
What are the benefits of joining an Academy?
When you join an Academy you are committing yourself to something bigger than merely learning to fight or get in shape. You are committing yourself to a vision and a body.
Vision- When you join an Academy you are accepting the Vision of the the Academy you join. You should be made aware of that vision before joining and make sure that your heart is in align with it before committing yourself to that Academy. Dedicating yourself to a vision brings more to your whole life and unites you to all your training partners who are also dedicated to the vision.
Body- The body that you are dedicating yourself to is not just the one you are transforming through training but it's the body of people whom you have committed to share in a vision and purpose with. All your training partners become united with you in your goals. It doesn't matter what they are. If your goal is to be a fighter than you need to have a solid team of training partners pushing you and supporting you. When you go and compete it is not just you who wins or loses, it's the whole team. Your team will also hold you accountable to make sure that you are doing things correctly in and out of the Academy. A good team should inspire one another in life and serve one another as needed.
Why is this so important?
To share in a vision and a body does wonders for your training. Not only does it make it purposeful and meaningful but it sets the stage for the champions attitude. You may be able to go places by training at home but when you hit the big stage, you are going to need a real deal training team to help you prepare for and reach your goals. By joining a team and uniting in a vision you are all ready setting your mind on things bigger than your own gain. You are not training or fighting for your own glory anymore but for the glory of the team. A humble spirit is the key to learning and true success. This begins by joining a Academy. A place where you come to learn and to serve. A team can also push you when your weak and make you work harder than you ever would when you are training alone. Dedication and perseverance excel your ability to the next level.
The benefits to joining and Academy are endless. I don't say this because I want your money. I will go as far to say that joining a team is even better than taking private lessons. Financially, I get paid alot more if you take private lessons than if you get a membership. Private lessons just like home training are best as a supplement to training with a team. Private lessons are a great way to excel your technique and understanding but without the diversity of a team you are missing out on many great blessings. When you join a team you are not just becoming a great fighter but a disciple. Uniting in a vision and body and training in the way of it makes you a disciple.
Now for all my Christian family I want you to also consider the necessity of Church. If you label yourself a Christian but are not a part of God's vision and purpose for His disciples, you need to step back for a minute. God did not come to this Earth to save a person. He came to save a body! The Church is the body. "The Church" is the collective group of all Christian disciples, living or dead. If you are a part of that body you need to be united with the body and God's vision for it. If you do not desire to be in Church and to serve the body of Christ there is a big problem. God does not support this idea that you can worship and serve him outside of the Church.
Matthew 15:20.
20For where two or three are gathered in my name,there am I among them."
and further more consider
1 Timothy 3:15
15if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.
2 Corinthians 6:16
For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
"I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people."
Ephesians 2:22
22In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
1 Peter 2:5
5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
God in Scripture rarely addresses man as individuals. He addresses man as a body. The Church is the body. All though God's presence is everywhere, His dwelling is within the Church. I am not talking about the Church building but the body of believers who meet within the building. Can Church exist outside of the building? Of course. God's Spirit is not confined to the walls of the Church building. Church occurs when the Holy Spirit draws like-minded living Christians together for the purpose of fellowship, sharing in the Word, sharing of material goods, sharing of the Gifts, and community prayer and praise in Jesus' Name. If you are a believer and a part of the the "Church Body" than you should also be in regular attendance to serve it as God a Church. Think. Can you really be a part of "the Church" and not be a part of "a Church" by choice for an indefinite time? If you are in the body your desire will be to unite and take care of the body.
Just as it is great to join an Academy there are still plenty of people who join and don't unite to the vision and body of the Academy. It is the same for the Church. Some are there for selfish gain, some for conscience sake, some to make a good impression. Not everyone who attends a Church is a part of the Church body either. These people may even be believers but God doesn't care for mere believers, He wants disciples who live for His glory.
There are many reasons to join a Church and there are many reason to join an Academy. It is important to know and understand the vision of either before joining them. Sadly, because of our sinful nature and because there are many within the Church who are not united to the body, there is much division within the buildings. It is important to know the essential truths of Christianity and to find a Church that preaches and lives both in Truth and Love.
Hebrews 10:24-26
24And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
26For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
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