Monday, February 15, 2010

Pan Ams Training (Week 2)

Last week my training schedule for the pan ams was certainly a little off. I started out with a good work out on Monday and another on Tuesday but then the snow put a damper on things. On top of the snow my kids got sick and sleep has not been well. I rolled with Jacob alot on Saturday during open mat and I was pretty fatigued due to lack of sleep. Today I went in with my son and played for a while but I also used him as weight to do some push ups and crawls with him on my back. I did a few sand bag exercises today as well but I am still a bit sleep deprived and tired. I struggled through it today. This is all part of being a warrior I suppose. The energy is not there, the desire is in and out, but I am still game. You can't choose how your going to feel on the day of battle you can only decide how you are going to react to the feelings you get.

Other than focusing on getting in competition shape right now I am also putting together my game plan. To me it is important to put a very basic game plan down on paper and to train accordingly. The game plan will include about 3 moves I choose to execute from each position. These techniques are the moves that I am going to focus on, drill and use when I roll. I am still in the phase where they may change a little based on what I think will be most effective come game day. Every time I roll I am anaylizing which techniques are the easiest and most effective for me and then I make the proper adjustments on paper. Putting it down on paper makes it much easier to stick to when you roll. It gives you a focus that is hard to capture when you don't wright it down. It is also much easier to anaylize and make changes when nessecary. It is almost like making a list to take to the grocery store. If you make a list then shopping is quick and easy. You have meals pre-plannned and you buy accordingly. A list keeps you focused on what you need so you save time and money. If you don't make a list you are going to waste time wondering around and you will end up buying things you really don't need. Writing your game plan down on paper is going to keep you from wondering aimlessly on the mat. It will save you time and energy.

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