Tuesday, March 28, 2006

There's No Place Like Home

Although in one since I long to go be with the Lord,
I truly long for his return.

Emannuel, God with us

I don't eagerly and patiently wait to die,
I wait for the Lords return.

If that could happen before my death,
Indeed I pray come.

I want His kingdom to come as I pray "Your kingdom come"
No, Im not waiting to go be with the Lord
Im waiting for the Lord to come be with me

This is the restoration
When Christ comes again and fully restores what is good
The earth and his people.

Come Lord Jesus Come!

Bring my new body with you.

Heaven is great but a new heaven on the new earth even better!

Earth is my home and we are meant to be here with you, Emannuel, God with us.
Sure, I will travel to heaven and what a delight it will be,
but there's no place like home.

May I stand in awe as the new Jerusalem comes down from above.

"Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God." Revelations 21:3

1 comment:

Dean said...

Hope you don't mind me leaving a comment even though you don't know me and I don't know you.

I typed in warrior mentality on a google search and I'm glad I found your blog. I've scrolled through a few of your posts and a lot of what you've written is really good stuff. Stuff I can learn from and I'm sure others can too! Really cool how ju-jitsu teaches you things for your walk with God; your own revelation.

I read books on being a warrior for Christ and study the scriptures of Paul all for inspiration.

So thanks for what you've done so far, and hope your encouraged to keep writing.
